Monday, April 11, 2011


If you could be a animal that lives in the hydrosphere, which one would you be? Explain why?


  1. If I could be an animal that lives in the hydroshere I would be a whale because they take charge of the ocean and is a very powerful creature. It is also the largest hydrospheic animal.

  2. If I could be an animal that lives in the hydrosphere, I would be a dolphin. Dolphins are very smart. They use echolocation to find food and to navigate. They are also very talented. Dolphins can hold their breaths for up to 15 minutes underwater. They can travel down to 260m. underwater. These creatures living in the hydrosphere are really amazing.

  3. I had to to be a under water animal it would have to be a shark. My reason for wanting to be a shark is because a lot of the animals fear them under water. A shark is big, fast, and also has many teeth which is good when tracking down prey. So we all know that sharks favor me when I have to be one, not be beside one!

  4. I would definitely like to be a shark. A shark is basically like a gentle giant. They are great survivors and they feed on mostly fish. I love fish! Sharks have a semi bad reputation of attacking humans. With that being said, I would be a different species that would hold my same character but eat a lot of FISH!

  5. I would probaly be a great white. I say that because since people are afraid of sharks people would not bother me. Also sharks are very good at hunting so I would not have a problem getting food.

  6. I would be a dolphin with no doubt about it. Dolphins are great animals, they have amazing senses they use to get around and find food. They are also very strong and can fight off many other animals in the ocean. Dolphins are also adorable, my sister always wanted a baby dolphin when she was little, but.. turns out she never got one. SURPRISE!

  7. If I could be an animal that lives underwater, I would choose a seahorse. I've always loved seahorses because they're cool and cute. It's fascinating how they can blend in with their surroundings to protect themselves and it's interesting how they swim by flapping their wing- like fins. Another reason that I'd like being a seahorse is that they travel in pairs and also, the males have the babies.

  8. If I could be any animal that lived in the hydrosphere, I would like to be a Narwhal. Narwhals are significantly unique, because they have a single long tusk coming out of their mouths. These tusks are 7-10 feet long, and are primarily used to show ranks among groups of narwhals. It would be pretty cool to have a tusk just to show off.

  9. If I could be an animal that lived in the hydeosphere, I would be a starfish. Starfish have the awesome ability to re-grow limbs, and are very relaxed laying on the ocean floor. Also, I don't know of many things that eat starfish.

  10. If I could be a hydrospheric animal it would have to be a mako shark because I respect them out of all other sharks even though they are smaller than most sharks. They are one of the fastest swimmers in the ocean also.

  11. If I could be any animal in the "big blue" I would most definately be a sea turtle. Turtles are naturally slow (well at least the land ones are) and people are always saying that I mover VERY slow. So I guess that the trutle fits my personality. I personally like them because they have a hard shell to protect them.

  12. If I could be any animal in the ocean I would be a clown fish. Clown Fish are realy small and striped in black and orange. I guess I chose this animal because Im really funny and goofy.

  13. I would be a Whale Shark. Are slow-moving filter feeding sharks and are the largest living fish species. They are found in tropical and warm oceans. Lives in the open ocean with a lifespan of 70 years.They have very large mouths but mostly eats plankton, and other microscopic plant and animals. I like the whale shark alot it is one of my favorite ocean animals it takes the # 2 spot my number one is a dolphin.:)

  14. If I could be any animal in the ocean I would be a great white shark because they are the ultimate predator in the ocean. They can also swim very fast and jump out of the water to kill birds and seals

  15. I would much like to be a crab. Crabs are very calm and have big eyes, so they can definately be alert at all times. Crabs also have sharp claws to protect themselves.

  16. I would be a sea turtle... Sea turtles live to about 100 years old! And it would be kinda cool to have a shell.

  17. I would want to be a platypus! Platypuses are just amazing animals, and I don't know what about them that just fascinates me... But what ever it is, is working!
